A specialist in the care of woody plants, especially trees"

Escaping from branch to branch, flying from tree to tree. 'Careful, that bow is over 70 years old, no weight baring please.'
Practicing the act of a monkey. Performing the job of a General Practitioner. Undertaking the role of an Industrial climber. The job of a Tree Arborist.
How many more jobs are there that encompass such a diverse
range of skills?

The crew at the Royal Botanic Gardens of Melbourne understand the demands of Arboriculture. They have a finesse about them as the glide around the tree inspecting the bows and looking for signs of decay or malnourishment.
The day I photographed the Arborist at the gardens was a typical

tree. They possess
the freedom of flying yet the accuracy of a dart to a bullseye. As they swing around the tree, every spot they land in is intentional, there are no mistakes in this business. It can result in the loss of a 70 year old
Today they are in the most magnificent tree. The leaf coverage the size a of a

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