I ride with some very vain people.
Vanity may be an overstatement, but they certainly like to have their photograph taken and sport the best look on the mountain. Infact, Merlin's current theme song is 'Your so Vain', the funny thing is, that song is about him (in a round about kind of way)!
Really, they are good riders, and they provide me with something to photograph. They hate hearing that skiers make better subjects in photographs, but they still couldn't satisfy me and the camera. Soon enough I will be back in the park photographing the vain snowboarders and making them look even better then they actually are. I do give them credit for the fact that these photographs were taken while the boys were jumping over the black jumps.
They are absolutely massive. If I had moving images, you would understand the extremities these boys were going to, to have their photograph taken, vanity? I think so.
So on this wednesday Gemma and I took to the park to photograph Dave and Merlin attacking the Black jumps, the hardest in the park. Dave stacked and Merlin didn't meet the last jump in the sequence, freaking hell boys, get it together.
We ventured to the wall, the riding got better and the angle to the sun was insane. This is where I want to be at 3pm every day!

Gemma. Feelgood. K2







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